Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree – Messmer the Impaler Claims the Crown of Toughest Boss


The battle for the title of toughest boss in Elden Ring continues to rage on, with a new contender emerging from the shadows. Just a week after the release of the highly anticipated Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, the community has seemingly crowned a new champion of difficulty: Messmer the Impaler.

Elden Ring
Elden Ring

From Malenia’s Wrath to Messmer’s Impaling Might: A Shift in Power

For months, Malenia, Blade of Miquella, reigned supreme in the Elden Ring boss hierarchy. Her aggressive attacks and punishing waterfowl dance moves earned her a fearsome reputation. Back in March 2023, Kotaku reported that Malenia’s ruthless nature contributed to a staggering 329 million player deaths. However, the tide seems to be turning with the arrival of Messmer the Impaler.

Community Speaks: Why Messmer Takes the Crown

According to player feedback on popular forums like Reddit, and Messmer, the Impaler presents a unique and formidable challenge. Here’s what players are saying:

  • Unrelenting Pressure: User Duelz_96 shared their experience, stating, “I think Messmer is the hardest boss I’ve faced in the game. I beat him after 144 attempts, while I beat Malenia after 118. Both are difficult, but Messmer never gives you a breather.” This sentiment highlights Messmer’s relentless offensive approach, which puts constant pressure on the player.
  • Unpredictable Attacks: Klutzy-Call9328 emphasizes Messmer’s ability to surprise players even after learning his moveset: “A game with Malenia becomes an ordinary duel after you learn her movements. Messmer always seems to be able to destroy you, no matter how well you know him.” This suggests that Messmer’s attack patterns offer less predictability compared to Malenia, making him a more unpredictable opponent.
  • Devastating Range and Power: L-man6151 adds another layer to the challenge, pointing out Messmer’s long-range attacks and devastating damage output: “He’s slightly stronger than Malenia due to his longer range and moves that can deal a lot of damage.” This expands on the difficulty by highlighting the threat Messmer poses from afar, forcing players to adapt their combat strategies.
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While Messmer seems to be the current community favorite for “toughest boss,” not everyone agrees.

A Dissenting Voice: Malenia Still Holds Power for Some

User Feisty_Bass6200 offers a counterpoint, stating, “I defeated Messmer on my own after six hours of trying, whereas Malenia took me many more hours and had to use a summon.” This highlights the subjective nature of boss difficulty. While Messmer’s offensive capabilities pose a significant challenge, some players may find Malenia’s overall speed and aggression more difficult to overcome.

Beyond the Crown: A Spectrum of Difficulty in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

The debate surrounding Messmer and Malenia highlights the diverse range of challenges presented by the bosses in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Eritrea. From Malenia’s relentless attacks to Messmer’s unpredictable offense, each boss offers a unique test of skill and perseverance.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Different playstyles may find certain bosses more difficult than others.
  • Player experience and skill level can also influence the perceived difficulty.
  • The introduction of new DLC content may introduce even more challenging enemies in the future.

Ultimately, the “hardest” boss in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree will likely remain a matter of personal opinion and player experience. The game’s diverse roster of bosses ensures players will encounter a spectrum of difficulty, keeping them engaged and challenged throughout their journey through the Lands Between.


Q: Who was previously considered the hardest boss in Elden Ring?

A: Before the release of Shadow of the Erdtree, Malenia, Blade of Miquella, held the title of the most difficult boss in the base game.

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Q: What makes Messmer the Impaler so challenging?

A: Players cite Messmer’s relentless attacks, unpredictable moves, and long-range attacks as factors contributing to his difficulty.

Is it easier to defeat Messmer than Melania?

A: Difficulty is subjective. Some players find Messmer more challenging, while others find Malenia’s aggression harder to overcome.