Electric cars are indeed cheaper to operate than conventional cars


And it’s not just about saving on fuel

The magazine Consumer Reports, which is published monthly on behalf of the US Consumer Union, has published the results of a study on electric vehicles. As it turns out, electric vehicles are indeed cheaper to operate compared to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.  

Electric cars
Electric cars

Electric cars are indeed cheaper to operate than conventional cars

Experts point out that the savings in the process of operation are more than able to compensate for the usually overpriced electric vehicles. 

Consumer Reports notes that a “typical” electric car owner can expect to save an average of $ 800 to $ 1,000 a year in fuel costs. In the first seven years, the amount of fuel savings can reach 4.7 thousand dollars or more. The exact amounts depend on the size of the vehicle and the length of ownership. 

At the same time, the cost of electric vehicles is on average 10% to 40% more expensive than analogs with internal combustion engines of the same class. The total savings of the owner of an electric vehicle for the entire period of operation will be from 6 to 10 thousand dollars. For pickup truck owners, the amount can be up to $ 15,000. 

Fuel is not the only savings, however. The study showed that the owners of electric vehicles spend significantly less (half) on maintaining the performance and repairing the car. 

Of course, this research is relevant to the American market. Even in the US, however, the parameters may vary by region. Consumer Reports notes that weather and electricity prices can play a role, for example. Residents of colder areas shouldn’t expect such big savings.  

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