Elon Musk claims that $10 trillion is enough to transfer the entire human civilization


Moreover, investments are needed within 20 years

Elon Musk believes that humanity now needs only 10 trillion dollars over the next 20 years to switch to renewable energy sources and abandon fossil fuels.

Elon Musk
Elon Musk

Musk outlined his vision of the issue in the third part of the Tesla Master Plan document. 10 trillion dollars for the entire planet over 20 years is a fairly modest amount. Moreover, Musk believes that humanity will even save money in this way, since the process of further development of resources over the same period of time, according to the calculations of the billionaire, will require costs of $ 14 trillion.

Elon Musk claims that $10 trillion is enough to transfer the entire human civilization

Musk does not provide all the details and calculations, but promises to publish such a document a little later. In the meantime, the billionaire says that if he follows his plan, the entire infrastructure, including wind and solar power plants, will occupy “less than 0.2% of the Earth’s area.” If Musk only counts the land area, then in fact it is about 300,000 km 2 . More precisely, we are talking about less than 300,000 km 2 , but how much less, we do not know. And 300,000 km2 is roughly the area of ​​Italy or Poland.  

It is worth noting that those same 10 trillion dollars should go not only to the construction of power plants and related infrastructure. This budget also includes money for new car factories, the cost of materials and battery production, and even funds for the production of steel and fertilizers.