Emergency situations with the ISS will be simulated in the SIRIUS-23 experiment


Their experience will be taken into account during the project

According to the director of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oleg Orlov, emergency situations that occurred on the International Space Station (ISS) over the past years will be simulated during the SIRIUS-23 experiment. Let us remind you that the annual isolation experiment SIRIUS-23 started yesterday, November 14. Its task is to simulate the conditions of a long-term manned space flight; 6 volunteers take part in it. Within the framework of the project, 52 studies will be conducted in the scientific program and 15 studies in the operational and technical program.

SIRIUS-23 experiment
SIRIUS-23 experiment

Emergency situations with the ISS will be simulated in the SIRIUS-23 experiment

According to Orlov, the experiment will partly simulate the experience of emergency situations on the ISS, including recent ones. This experience will be taken into account during the project. Psychologists will take part in drawing up scenarios for emergency situations that will be simulated during the experiment, since they understand “the answers to what questions they want to get.” As Oleg Orlov noted, it is important to study how a person reacts to such situations, how a team is formed and how it interacts with the Mission Control Center.

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