Epic Games Store for PC adds itch.io, Brave browser, and more


Epic Games Store for PC adds itch.io, Brave browser, and more

Epic Games today added five new PC apps to its Epic Games Store. Starting today, it has an app for downloading indie games from I tch.io, an open-source browser Brave, a streaming radio app iHeartRadio, a KenShape 3D modeling tool, and an open-source drawing app Krita.

Epic Games
Epic Games

Since December, these are the first new apps in the Epic Games Store when the Spotify audio streaming client appeared on the store. Epic plans to add more PC software in the future, including the Discord messenger. The company even launched a new section dedicated directly to PC applications, so it is obvious that it plans to expand in this direction.

It is worth noting that Epic Games takes a slightly different approach than most companies that promote their app stores – it does not receive a commission on purchases made in-app purchases through the Epic Games Store. Tim Sweeney, the CEO, wants to see a similar approach in other software stores. Epic Games will not pass up the opportunity to raise this issue in the ongoing legal action with Apple.  

The Epic Games Store for PC with new apps began a few days later following rumors that Microsoft was planning a major overhaul of its branded store. The Redmond corporation wants to attract more developers and make popular programs such as Chrome or Firefox browsers available for download in the store.

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