Everyone Is Talking About This Diet Water – Will Help You Lose Weight


Sassy water – Diet Water

A lot of world famous health portals published the recipe of the so thought miraculous Sassy water that helps in losing weight. We’ll explain the preparation and its effect.

sassy water
sassy water


  • 2 liters of fresh water
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger (or ginger powder)
  • 1 middle sized cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • 12 fresh leaves of mint

Method of preparation:

  • First, wash the lemon and cucumber thoroughly , slice them into thin pieces and put them in the water
  • Then add the mint leaves and the ginger
  • Close the container and leave it to stay overnight in the fridge so that the ingredients release its juices
  • Consume all of the amount of water it during the next day
  • Prepare this recipe whenever you like

The Sassy water is part of the diet program known as The Flat Belly Diet, developed by the magazine Prevention.com and Cynthia Sass , an expert nutritionist after who this diet got its name.

This diet program offers losing 8 kilos in 28 days. It starts with the consummation of Sassy water for four days. This water detoxifies the body, improves digestion and prepares the organism for decreased intake of calories for the month that follows. The base of this whole diet is the intake of 1600 calories a day (the normal need is 2000-2500 calories a day)

This diet consists of consuming Mediterranean food : grains, a lot of fruit, vegetables, seeds and almost no use of red meat at all.