Farm equipment manufacturers are eager to add their products to the Farming Simulator series of games


Farmers evaluate equipment in Farming Simulator

While most video games can be seen primarily as entertainment, the acclaimed Farming Simulator series seems to have become something much bigger that has a very strong impact on a reality not directly related to games. It turned out that a huge number of agricultural machinery manufacturers really want their products to get into these games.

Farm equipment manufacturers
Farm equipment manufacturers

Farm equipment manufacturers are eager to add their products to the Farming Simulator series of games

Developers from Giants Software said that they receive hundreds of requests a year from manufacturers who want their vehicles to be featured in the game. We are talking about a wide variety of agricultural machinery, from tractors and combines to seeders. The importance of games is so great that some manufacturers of equipment release their new products at the same time as the corresponding updates to the current game at the moment.

The phenomenon is explained by the fact that real farmers can use the simulator in order to try out this or that technique before buying. In particular, equipment manufacturers share their product drawings with developers so that everything in the game is displayed as correctly and accurately as possible. The developers note that at one time they themselves turned to manufacturers and figured out how to involve them in the project. Now everything has changed. At the same time, Giants Software notes that for the company, the players still remain in the first place.

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