Games on Steam skyrocketed in price after the winter sale


Prices have increased in all regions, but games have risen the most in Turkey and Argentina

The Yeti Telegram channel drew attention to the fact that the publishers of many popular games have sharply raised the prices of their projects in the digital distribution service for computer games Steam in different regions.

This happened right after the end of the winter sale. One such publisher was the French company Ubisoft. Prices have increased in all regions, but games have risen the most in Turkey and Argentina.


After the rise in price, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Far Cry 5 and Watch Dogs 2 began to cost 699 lire (2.7 thousand rubles in terms of our money) instead of 269 lire (1.1 thousand rubles).

In Argentina, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Far Cry 5 have risen in price to 6 thousand pesos (2.5 thousand rubles), and Watch Dogs 2 now costs 5 thousand pesos (2.1 thousand rubles), and before the price increase they cost 3 and 2.5 thousand, respectively.

In recent months, many users have registered accounts in Turkey or Argentina to buy games on Steam due to attractive prices.

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