Google tightens the screws on YouTube ad blockers


It is proposed to either allow ads or subscribe to a paid Premium subscription

Google has begun testing a more aggressive approach to users trying to watch videos on the YouTube video platform with ad blockers and without a paid subscription. 


In May, the company set up an experiment where users without a paid subscription received a pop-up message warning that ad blockers were prohibited on the platform. 

Google tightens the screws on YouTube ad blockers

Now, some users have started complaining about the new modified version of this dialog box, with similar wording but mentioning the new “three warnings” policy.


First seen by Reddit user Reddit_n_Me, the popup now contains three numbered white boxes and a message that the video player will be locked after three clips have been watched. In addition to a warning about a possible blocking of the player, the user is also offered an easy way to fix it – click the buttons to disable ad blockers and purchase YouTube Premium.