Google’s AI Playground: Enter the Age of Customizable Chatbots with Celebrity Voices


The world of human-computer interaction is poised for a fascinating shift. According to a report by The Information, Google is venturing into the development of character-based chatbots – virtual companions powered by artificial intelligence that transcend the boundaries of simple assistants. These chatbots, fueled by Google’s cutting-edge large language model (LLM) known as Gemini, could take on the personas of beloved celebrities or even be customized by users to reflect their personalities. This potential innovation marks a significant step towards fostering deeper and more engaging connections between humans and AI.

Google's AI Playground
Google’s AI Playground

Beyond Answering Queries: Chatbots Designed for Conversation

Gone are the days of chatbots solely focused on answering factual questions. Google’s vision for these AI companions extends far beyond providing information. Imagine having a virtual friend, someone you can engage in casual conversation, share your thoughts with, and potentially develop a meaningful connection. The report suggests Google is exploring partnerships with social media influencers and celebrities to create chatbots imbued with their unique personalities and voices. This opens a door to a world of possibilities, allowing users to interact with their favorite stars on a more personal level, even if virtually.

Building Your AI Companion: The Power of Customization

The potential doesn’t stop at celebrity-based chatbots. The report further hints at Google offering users the ability to create their custom chatbots, similar to the AI platform This level of customization empowers users to design a chatbot’s personality, appearance, and even conversation style. Imagine crafting a virtual friend who perfectly embodies your ideal confidant, someone who understands your humor, shares your interests, and provides a space for genuine conversation. This degree of personalization could revolutionize the way we interact with AI, fostering a sense of connection that extends beyond pre-programmed responses or task completion.

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Integration and Competition: Where Will These Chatbots Live?

While details remain under wraps, The Information’s report points towards Google’s interest in integrating these chatbots with platforms like YouTube. This approach mirrors Meta’s strategy with their Messenger-based AI characters. However, Google might opt for a more mobile-friendly approach, utilizing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) for accessibility. PWAs offer the functionality of native apps without requiring installation, making them readily accessible across various devices. This strategy could provide an advantage, allowing users to interact with their chatbots seamlessly on their smartphones or tablets.

It’s important to note that this project appears to be distinct from Google’s recently announced “Gems” – specialized AI assistants like virtual yoga coaches and math tutors. The focus here lies on creating engaging companions, potentially blurring the line between technology and friendship. Google’s foray into this realm could be seen as a strategic move to showcase its advancements in AI in a user-friendly and relatable format. This could position Google as a frontrunner in the race for AI innovation, potentially competing with Meta’s offerings across various platforms.

The Road Ahead: Launch Dates and the Question of Success

The report remains ambiguous regarding confirmed celebrity partnerships, leaving some details shrouded in mystery. Furthermore, the overall success of these character-based chatbots remains to be seen. Meta’s past attempts with personality-driven AI characters yielded mixed results, highlighting potential challenges in keeping users engaged. While a concrete launch date hasn’t been announced, The Information suggests Google Labs might unveil these customizable chatbots sometime in 2024.


Q: What’s the difference between these chatbots and Google Assistant?

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A: Unlike Google Assistant, which focuses on completing tasks and answering questions, these chatbots are designed for conversation and potentially forming virtual friendships.

Q: Can I create my custom chatbot?

A: The report suggests Google might offer the ability to personalize chatbots, similar to platforms like, allowing you to design their personality and appearance.

Q: Will these chatbots be integrated with existing messaging apps?

A: While details are still emerging, the report mentions Google’s interest in using PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) for accessibility, potentially bypassing direct integration with existing messaging platforms.

Q: When can we expect to see these chatbots launched?

A definitive launch date hasn’t been confirmed, but The Information suggests Google Labs might unveil them sometime within 2024.