(Google’s Knowledge Graph) Google Knowledge Network Has Over 500 Billion Facts


How Google Search Works

Google Search puts the world’s information at your fingertips, helping people find helpful results for billions of queries every day. From ranking systems to features that show up when you search, this series explains what makes Google useful and how we connect you to the information you’re looking for.

Google published another post in a series of articles on the work of search. The topic of the news article was the Knowledge Graph.

Search employee Danny Sullivan described what the Knowledge Network is, what sources it uses, what information is displayed in the knowledge panels in SERP, and how Google is improving the database.

According to the latest data, the Knowledge Network has more than 500 billion facts about approximately 5 billion entities (people, places and things).

The Knowledge Network dashboards (knowledge panels) contain a title and brief information on the topic. They may also include pictures, videos, key facts, and links to social media profiles.

Knowledge Graph
Knowledge Graph

These panels are formed on the basis of “hundreds” of sources on the Internet, including Wikipedia and other resources.

If this data is related to the music, TV or sports industry, then Google may license it.

If this is medical information, then Google works with relevant organizations to provide it.

SEO professionals can influence knowledge panels using certain types of structured data.

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Users can edit the knowledge panels, if they have access to them, and also request changes via the feedback link.

You can read more about the Knowledge Network and the knowledge panels in Google search results on the company’s blog .