GPD accuses AMD of missing delivery dates for Ryzen 7000 hybrid processors


Because of this, GPD is unable to supply its set-top boxes to customers.

GPD, known for its portable laptop-game console hybrids, is experiencing supply problems with its new Win Max 2 model. And AMD is to blame for this, according to GPD. 


GPD accuses AMD of missing delivery dates for Ryzen 7000 hybrid processors

GPD says AMD is unable to supply the pre-agreed number of Ryzen 7000 APUs on which the new console is based. More precisely, we are talking about the Ryzen 7 7840U. GPD received the first batch of these APUs, but they still haven’t received the second, although they should have received it a long time ago. As a result, GPD accused AMD of violating the terms of the contract, but it is not yet clear whether this is all formalized in legal form. 

It is also unknown what volumes of Ryzen APUs we are talking about. However, you need to understand that AMD does not produce its own CPUs and GPUs. The company’s modern solutions are produced by TSMC.