How to restore right click menu on Windows 11


Did the Windows 10 right-click menu inexplicably disappear in the transition to Windows 11? Don’t worry: here’s how to restore it

The transition from Windows 10 to Windows 11 is already possible (only for those who meet the system requirements ), but operations – as widely communicated by Microsoft – proceed at a slow pace. The idea is to verify that the new operating system does not give problems to the PCs of those who update, increasing the speed only after confirming it.

The latest version of Windows comes with profound aesthetic and functional changes, including the new default menu when you press the right mouse button. However, someone might want the old menu: if you fall within these, here is a guide to get it back in a few steps. Below we will see two methods to disable the default Windows 11 menu and restore the “classic” right-click menu, which we are all used to. Of the two, the first is intuitively faster and also the more superficial, despite both. are not particularly demanding to put into practice.

First method: Command Prompt

The first method to restore the right-click menu on Windows 11 is to use the Command Prompt. Suppose you log in with the administrator account, which is usually that of the computer’s primary user. In that case, you do not even need to start it as an administrator because they “control” the user’s permissions, which creates the computer you are logged in to.

Once the Command Prompt is open, copy and paste the following command on it, then press the Enter key on the keyboard:

reg add “HKCU Software Classes CLSID {86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2} InprocServer32” / f / ve

If the command is “digested” correctly, the prompt reply with The operation completed successfully, that the procedure was completed successfully. At this point, you can close the Command Prompt, and you can restart the computer to apply the changes and get back the right-click menu.

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Second method: Registry Editor

The second method to restore the right-click menu on Windows 11 brings up the Registry Editor. There are a few more steps to do compared to the previous one, but it is nothing prohibitive. Starting the Editor is child’s play: type the Regedit command on Run and click on OK.

Then you need to locate the CLSID folder within the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER SOFTWARE CLASSES first to create the critical {86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}, within which to make a second one called InprocServer32.

Within this, find the entry  (Default)  and set its value to blank, click OK, close the registry editor, and restart the computer.

How to return to the default Windows 11 menu

To return to the Windows 11 default menu just delete the key {86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2} or alternatively open the Command Prompt to type the following command line:

reg delete “HKCU Software Classes CLSID {86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}” / f

However you proceed, the final result when you restart your computer will be the same.