However, there are no such problems with USB-C cables from iQOO, OnePlus, Realme, and Redmi
After the official start of sales of the iPhone 15 Pro in China, they decided to find out how compatible the new Apple device is with powerful chargers from local smartphone manufacturers. The test results turned out to be very interesting.

Huawei and Honor USB-C cables do not charge the iPhone 15 Pro
The following power supplies were tested: Vivo 120 W, iQOO 200 W, Oppo 100 W, OnePlus 160 W, Realme 240 W, Redmi 120 W, Huawei 88 W, Honor 100 W, Red Magic 165 W and Meizu 88 W. It turned out that the charging “cubes” of Vivo, iQOO, OnePlus, Realme, and Redmi support the PD 3.0 protocol, but when using an Oppo device you can only count on USB-DCP and a current of 1.5 A. That is, charging will be slow.
What about Huawei and Honor chargers? At first, they refused to charge the iPhone 15 Pro. Experimentally, it was found that the problem is not in the “cubes” themselves, but in the cables: if you replace the original cable with an alternative one, then everything works. This moment caused heated discussions on the Internet in China. It is not yet clear exactly what the reason is: either Huawei and Honor use some proprietary protocols, or Apple does this. But in the context of the confrontation between Huawei and the United States, such restrictions on charging an American smartphone look at least symbolic.