Another 20 million went to Apple
The head of Xiaomi, talking about the success of his company, touched on the topic of Huawei and the impact of US sanctions on it. According to Lu Weibing, Huawei has lost 80 million users over the past three years due to these same sanctions.

Moreover, Weibing allegedly knows who these users have gone to. And most of them went to Xiaomi. More precisely, the head of the company says that 50 million former Huawei users switched to Xiaomi, another 20 million preferred Apple, and 10 million remained with sister Honor. How Xiaomi received such calculations is not specified.
At the moment, Huawei is gradually gaining strength again in the smartphone market, but the company is limited in its capabilities by the still existing sanctions. In particular, it cannot get its hands on the latest 5G-enabled platforms. Perhaps, including because of this, the Huawei P60 smartphone will not be a flagship , as it will receive a completely non-top platform.