In the development of the remake of Demon’s Souls, a rubber duck model was used, but then the situation “got out of control”


In the development of the remake of Demon’s Souls, a rubber duck model was used, but then the situation “got out of control”

Edition GamesRadar communicates with technical artist Bluepoint Games Harris Collin (Collin Harris). He told one interesting detail about the development process of the remake of Demon’s Souls for PlayStation 5. It turned out that the creators of the project actively used the rubber duck model when testing the destruction of the environment and effects, but at one point the situation “got out of control

Demons Souls
Demons Souls

During the creation of the remake of Demon’s Souls, a friend of Harris named Alex trained at Bluepoint Games. He created a model of a rubber duck for the shared library, the potential of which was later revealed by a technical artist. “It just so happens to be an ideal test subject because of its size and shape, ” said Colleen Harris. “ It didn’t hurt that it was a fun combination of seeing a bright yellow duck in an incredibly detailed world of dark fantasy

The model was actively used in testing the environment destruction system and testing the effects. The developers really liked it, so the game world began to quickly fill with rubber ducks. At one point, the model was turned into a bloodthirsty man-eating duck, after which she was removed from the Demon’s Souls remake.

Colleen Harris said that the model got rid of, as the situation began to “get out of control” The duck became a popular placeholder and there were serious concerns about its appearance in the final game. This could ruin the relationship with Sony, and Bluepoint decided to remove the model. But the studio staff did not forget this funny story and gave each other a bunch of rubber ducks as a keepsake.

Also Read:  Bluepoint adds a new riddle to the Demon's Souls remake - how to solve it while no one knows