While this is a pilot project
The United States has launched a pilot program in which robots provide additional security in some schools.

The project in New Mexico County was launched in mid-June. A four-wheeled robot more than one and a half meters high and weighing about 180 kg patrols the school campus around the clock and seven days a week. The robot is equipped with cameras that provide a 360-degree view, the images of which are sent to the security service.
In the US, robots began to patrol the territory of some schools to improve safety
In addition, the robot in Santa Fe is equipped with an artificial intelligence system. It studies the school’s normal business patterns and detects people who are on campus after hours or who are engaging in violent behavior. That is, AI can help prevent a crime, and not just fix it.
Also, the robot can determine if people have weapons, but this function was turned off for the duration of the pilot project.

The robot itself did not receive any weapons, but it is equipped with a speaker through which security officers can talk to suspicious people or criminals if a crime has already taken place.
But the robot is not endowed with the function of face recognition. Apparently, in order to avoid claims from the parents of the students.
The issue of school safety in the US is becoming more acute amid recent shootings, and robots may well help make schools safer.