In this battle, the iPhone 15 Pro Max could not defeat the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.


Both smartphones were badly damaged

We have already seen various crash tests of the new iPhone 15 Pro or 15 Pro Max, but finally, the authors of the PhoneBuff channel conducted their test. Let us remember that their tests are always carried out under the same conditions and using a robotic manipulator, which minimizes the element of chance. 

iPhone 15 Pro Max and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
iPhone 15 Pro Max and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

In this case, the iPhone 15 Pro Max was compared with the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. You can see that both smartphones were damaged after the first fall on their backs, while the glass on the Apple flagship was damaged much more. 

In this battle, the iPhone 15 Pro Max could not defeat the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.

The second fall (at an angle) also turned out to be more severe for the new Apple product. It is quite possible that the titanium frame is to blame, which, due to its greater strength, does not absorb shock as much as a softer aluminum frame.  

The falling of the screens also led to damage to the glass of both smartphones and here it can no longer be said that one survived the fall better, although the nature of the damage is different. 

As a result, we can say that smartphones behave approximately the same when dropped. True, in reality, each fall is unique, so it is difficult to draw any conclusions from such a test. Is it possible to say for sure that a large and durable case is better than no case at all?