Intel AI Improves Samsung Medison Technology for Fast, Accurate Pregnancy Ultrasound


Intel AI Improves Samsung Medison Technology for Fast, Accurate Pregnancy Ultrasound

Samsung Medison and Intel have teamed up to create a smart new solution that will improve the quality of ultrasound examinations of women during pregnancy.

Intel AI
Intel AI

We are talking about Samsung Medison BiometryAssist technology, which relies on the capabilities of Intel Core i3 processors and the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO and OpenCV AI toolkits, thanks to which the doctor can quickly measure the fetus, and the LaborAssist function will accurately assess the position of the fetus in the womb without the need for invasive research. BiometryAssist and LaborAssist solutions are already successfully used in 80 countries around the world, including Russia, the USA, South Korea, Italy, France, and Brazil. The Russian R&D office of Intel played an important role in introducing OpenVINO into the new generation of medical ultrasound devices: the developers provided engineering support during the project, conducted the necessary training for partners, said Alexey Myakov.

BiometryAssist technology allows automatic measurement and estimation of fetal size with 97% accuracy. The whole procedure requires a minimum of actions from the doctor, and the study itself lasts about 85 ms. The high speed of work allows the doctor to see more patients, paying sufficient attention to each of them. With the LaborAssist function, the doctor can quickly assess the position of the baby’s body and head, making it easier to control the movement of the fetus during childbirth. Also during pregnancy, there is a risk of slowing down the birth process. Accurate information received in a timely manner helps doctors choose the most appropriate method of delivery, thereby reducing the number of operations using the cesarean section method.

World Health Organization data indicate a decrease in maternal mortality. However, in 2017 alone, about 295 thousand women died during pregnancy or during childbirth. A study by the Perinatal Institute has shown that constant monitoring of fetal development plays an important role in pregnancy management. This approach allows the doctor to quickly receive information and make the necessary decisions in the event of any deviations in the development of the child.

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“ Intel employees develop and implement technologies that are changing the world and making life better for everyone on earth. We work with companies like Samsung Medison to use the latest technology to take care of patients’ health and improve the quality and speed of care – in this case, it concerns such complex and urgent processes as the management of pregnancy and childbirth, ”said Claire Celeste Carnes is director of strategic marketing for Health and Life Sciences at Intel.

“ Samsung Medison’s BiometryAssist technology is a semi-automatic fetal measurement and sizing system with 97-99% accuracy. This high performance allows the solution to be used in modern clinical practice, ”said Ja-Young Kwon, MD, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yonsei University College of Medicine in Seoul.