Intel continues to lag far behind AMD. Octa-core Tiger Lake-H processors will be released only at the end of the year


As a result, AMD’s new products simply have no competitors.

Numerous rumours and leaks have suggested Intel will unveil high-performance Tiger Lake-H processors earlier this year. And it really happened. 

Octa-core Tiger Lake-H processors
Octa-core Tiger Lake-H processors

Intel continues to lag far behind AMD. Octa-core Tiger Lake-H processors will be released only at the end of the year.

However, yesterday’s announcement could have been a disappointment for many, since the Tiger Lake-H35 line includes only four-core models, while everyone expected eight-core models.  

In fact, they will also come out, but later. Much later. According to the source, such CPUs will appear only at the end of this year. Considering that AMD has already introduced the eight-core  Ryzen 5000H, and there are also very productive eight-core Ryzen 4000H on the market, Intel’s step does not seem to be the most successful one. On the other hand, if AMD uses the same eight-core die for all mobile and desktop APUs of the same generation, Intel now has only a four-core die, which it uses for Tiger Lake-U Tiger Lake-H35. And to create eight-core models, the company needs to develop a new crystal. Apparently, Intel hasn’t coped with this task yet, and this isn’t good.  

Also Read:  Intel admitted that the rejection of monolithic crystals will reduce the cost of production