Intel Shares Fall After Rumors About Microsoft’s Intention To Switch To Its Own Server Processors


So far the decline has been 6%

Today, information has appeared on the Web that Microsoft is developing its own server processor based on the Arm architecture, which means that Microsoft – one of the largest players in the server market – may partially or completely turn out to be from Intel processors. 


Intel Shares Fall After Rumors About Microsoft’s Intention To Switch To Its Own Server Processors

This information instantly affected the shares of the latter: they immediately fell by 6.3%, at the same time reducing the company’s capitalization to $ 194.5 billion. 

It is not yet clear whether the decline will continue, but in general, the reaction is quite expected. Besides the fact that Microsoft is simply a very large client of Intel, and the server segment is very profitable, this is the second big call since Apple’s move. And not the fact that the latter.  

Also Read:  Intel CEO took advantage of the fall to buy shares in the company