iPhone Owners Massively Reporting iCloud Issues in China


Chinese iCloud servers have been operating in Guizhou since 2018

According to Mydrivers, there have been a lot of messages on Chinese social media from Apple users who write that iCloud backup on iPhone and other devices failed.

Users report problems with syncing and accessing cloud albums. However, according to the information on the official Apple website, all services are currently working fine. Judging by the feedback from netizens, this situation only exists in China.


According to Mydrivers, several years ago Apple agreed to build a data center in China. Chinese iCloud servers have been operating in Guizhou since 2018, and data is not transferred outside of China, where cloud services are fully serviced.

Users confirm that since then, problems such as slow syncing and data loss that have occurred with iCloud in the past have been resolved.

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