iPhone will replace passport, driver’s license and car keys


Apple paid attention to passports, library cards, ski resort cards, and other identification cards

According to information that was published in Apple’s new patent, the only device that people should carry with them when they go outside is the iPhone. This smartphone will contain information about the passport, driver’s license, and other documents that we used to carry with us in physical form.


iPhone will replace a passport, driver’s license, and car keys

Earlier it became known that the iPhone will replace the keys to the car (on compatible models). Now Apple has turned its attention to passports, library cards, ski resort cards, and other identification cards.

Apple has described in detail how to copy and use user identification in a recent patent application. According to Apple, devices like the iPhone can safely transmit certain identifiers. It’s enough for the device owner to authenticate (for example, using an Apple Watch biometric sensor). Apple also explained in detail in the patent application documents how to ensure secure data transmission by technical means.

Apple had previously worked to provide government-issued identity cards in a secure manner. The company also collaborated with the governments of Germany and the United Kingdom on projects to create identity cards.

iPhone 12 will get a cool camera but will be released only in November.