Is The Elder Scrolls VI Coming Much Earlier Than Thought?


But there are many doubts about this.

Microsoft unexpectedly announced that The Elder Scrolls VI is now aiming for a 2026 release. 

The Elder Scrolls VI
The Elder Scrolls VI

Yes, that date is still three years away, but recent announcements by the company have hinted at a much later launch. Perhaps only in 2028-2029, after the release of the next generation of consoles.  

Is The Elder Scrolls VI Coming Much Earlier Than Thought?

2026 is just a planned release date so far, but it cannot be said that it is final. Now Bethesda is actively working on Starfield, and recently Todd Howard stated that before the release of the new part of The Elder Scrolls is at least five more years. But at the same time, earlier on the Web there were rumors about the release of a new part in 2025-2026. 

It is also worth noting that a Microsoft lawyer has now spoken about the planned date in 2026, which is also worth considering.  

Recall that the current part of the series (Skyrim) was released in 2011 and is on the list of best-selling games. The fourth part, called Obilivion, was released in 2006, that is, only five years have passed between the two previous parts.

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