It became known that most often they forget in a taxi Uber


The company published a “hit parade” of items left in cars in 2019

Uber has published the fourth annual Uber Lost & Found Index report, which gives an idea of ​​what and how often passengers forgot in taxi cars in 2019.

hit parade
hit parade

It became known that most often they forget in a taxi Uber

Most often, smartphones were forgotten in cars. In second place are wallets, in third are keys. These are bags (backpacks and handbags are also included in this category). Fifth place is taken by headphones. Compilers of the report note that compared to 2018, the number of lost Apple AirPods has increased by more than 21%.

In sixth place – items of clothing, in seventh – glasses. Eighth place is occupied by electronic cigarettes and similar devices. This is followed by passports and other personal identification documents. A bottle of water closes the top ten.

Most cases when passengers forget something in a taxi are on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as trips made late at night. If we consider the days of the year, for the obvious reason, people become more forgetful on holidays, including the New Year.

Uber recalls that the best way to try to recover a lost item is to contact the driver using the app.