It turns out that you can save money on servicing Moskvich 3


Maintenance prices for different dealers can vary by 50%

The maintenance schedule for the gasoline Moskvich 3 implies the so-called “zero” maintenance – at a mileage of 3000 km or after the first three months of operation. But, as it turned out, the prices for this MOT, as well as for the first MOT, can differ significantly from different dealers.

Moskvich 3
Moskvich 3

It turns out that you can save money on servicing Moskvich 3

For example, at dealers in Moscow and Krasnodar, both “zero” and first maintenance are estimated at 11.4 thousand rubles, and in St. Petersburg, TO-1 costs from 12 to 15 thousand rubles. At the same time, in Voronezh, “zero” maintenance costs 6.2 thousand rubles, and the first – 9.7 thousand rubles. Approximately the same prices at a dealer in Kemerovo – 6.2 and 10.3 thousand rubles.

Moskvich 3 needs to be serviced once a year or every 10 thousand km.

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