Launched production of next-generation Apple computer processors – devices with them will be released in the second half of the year


Launched production of next-generation Apple computer processors – devices with them will be released in the second half of the year

Recently, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the company is already shipping more products based on its own M1 processor than on Intel processors, which it intends to eliminate in the next 1-1.5 years. The M1 chip has already formed the basis of the brand’s laptops and tablets, and its successor may expand its coverage as early as the next half of the year.

Apple computer processors
Apple computer processors

Japanese resource Nikkei Asian Review, citing its own informed sources, reported that mass production of Apple processors with the symbol M2 has already begun on the TSMC conveyor using advanced 5-nm technology (N5P) and supplies for Apple’s needs will begin in July this year. This will allow the company to equip them with new device models scheduled to be announced in the second half of this year. Among them, as sources hint, will not only be tablets and laptops.

So far, nothing is known about the characteristics of the Apple M2 processors; only the usual high degree of integration is mentioned. Computing cores will coexist with the graphics unit and specialized accelerators of operations related to the operation of artificial intelligence systems. At a recent quarterly reporting conference, Intel admitted that it expects a decline in revenue from sales of its processors to Apple in the second half of this year. This is quite natural since the latter is actively switching to using processors of its own design in laptops and not only.

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