Leak: Fortnite Coming Soon for God of War Kratos


Leak: Fortnite Coming Soon for God of War Kratos

Fortnite recently ended season 4 of the second chapter dedicated to Marvel superheroes. Its finale was a large-scale battle of users against the supervillain Galactus. You can see how the event took place by following this link on the YouTube channel of the IGN portal. And now it became known that with the fifth season in Fortnite, the appearance of Kratos from God of War 2018 will appear.


Users learned about the addition of the corresponding skin thanks to the news feed on the PlayStation 4. There was a premature message about the God of War and Fortnite crossover, which was accompanied by a corresponding picture. True, the exact date of Kratos ‘arrival in Epic Games’ battle royale has not been given.

It is also worth noting that there has been no official announcement of the crossover yet. However, a teaser with an audio recording appeared on the PlayStation microblog. It talks about a guy who destroyed many gods with his own hands. Naturally, we are talking about Kratos, because no one else fits this description from Sony games.

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