Lightning Ghost: In Ghost of Tsushima, the weather changes depending on the combat style used


Lightning Ghost: In Ghost of Tsushima, the weather changes depending on the combat style used

In a recent interview with GameSpot, Ghost of Tsushima creative director Nate Fox talked about a subtle gaming feature. It turns out that in the latest PS4 exclusive, the weather conditions depend on the fighting style the player is using. If you constantly act covertly, use the abilities of the Ghost, and do not catch the eyes of enemies, then the lightning will begin to fall from the sky, and gusts of wind will intensify.


In the conversation, Nate Fox said: ” The game is designed so that with a strict passage as a Ghost, more hurricanes appear in the world .” That is, the weak breeze that often appears on the screen at the beginning of the passage of Ghost of Tsushima will turn into a storm. Thunder will rumble in the sky, and flashes of lightning will cut through the clouds. Such weather plays not only a visual, but also a gameplay role: in the described conditions, the field of view of opponents is slightly reduced, and it becomes more difficult for them to notice the main character.

As a reminder, the Ghost of Tsushima recently received a fresh update. In it, Sucker Punch Productions implemented Lethal difficulty and accessibility settings and fixed bugs.

On Metacritic, Ghost of Tsushima received 83 points after 106 critical reviews. Users put 9.3 points out of 10, 12,737 people voted.


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