Lizzo Speaks Out: Gratitude for Activists, Mental Health Struggles


Lizzo, the ever-vibrant singer and champion of self-love, recently took to Instagram to share a heartfelt message with her fans. Beyond the usual dazzling persona and upbeat music, Lizzo shed light on her personal struggles over the past year, expressing gratitude for activists, acknowledging mental health challenges, and voicing support for student protests.

Lizzo Speaks Out
Lizzo Speaks Out

A Long-Overdue Thank You to Activists

The video, which Lizzo herself acknowledged was “long overdue,” served as a platform for expressing her profound appreciation for activists fighting against ongoing humanitarian crises.

  • Highlighting Specific Struggles: Lizzo specifically mentioned Palestine, Sudan, and the Congo, regions grappling with conflict and human rights violations.
  • Recognizing the Toll of Activism: Having “worked closely with activists” in the past, Lizzo acknowledged the immense emotional and physical toll such work can take. She expressed her sincere gratitude for their tireless efforts, highlighting the life-saving impact of their activism.

Addressing a Period of Silence

This message followed a period of relative quiet from Lizzo in the public eye. She offered a candid explanation, revealing that she had been battling mental health issues over the past nine months.

  • Experiencing Depression: Lizzo bravely discussed experiencing “a deep dark depression” and mental health “crises and episodes.” This period of mental health struggle left her feeling “not present.”
  • Addressing Sexual Harassment Allegations: The video predates a recent media firestorm around Lizzo. In August and September of 2023, several former dancers made public accusations of sexual harassment and workplace grievances. While these accusations are currently under legal appeal, this period undoubtedly added further strain to Lizzo’s well-being.
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Finding Strength and Inspiration

Despite the challenges, Lizzo’s message offered a powerful note of resilience.

  • The Power of Activism: Lizzo credited the work of global activists as a source of inspiration. Witnessing their dedication fueled her motivation to overcome her struggles and “get back to who I am.”
  • Supporting Student Protests: Lizzo also voiced her support for the “anti-genocide, anti-war” student protests across the United States. She acknowledged the immense value of these student demonstrations, highlighting their importance in making positive change.

A Call to Action

Lizzo concluded her message with a call to action:

  • Supporting Humanitarian Efforts: She specifically mentioned Operation Olive Branch, a grassroots organization aiding families in Palestine. She promised to return soon with more information on how fans can contribute to combating these global crises.
  • The Power of Collective Action: Lizzo’s message beautifully underscores the importance of solidarity. By acknowledging the struggles of others and lending support to worthy causes, we can all contribute to a more just and peaceful world.

Lizzo’s message serves as a powerful reminder that even the strongest among us can face personal battles. It also highlights the importance of acknowledging mental health needs and seeking support. Ultimately, her story is one of resilience, finding strength in shared struggles and using one’s platform to advocate for positive change.