Lung Cancer Symptoms: If these symptoms are seen in lung cancer


How Long You Live With Spreading Lung Cancer: The chances of survival in lung cancer are highest when treatment is found in the first stage. But as lung cancer spreads, the survival rate starts to decline.

Lung cancer occurs when cancer-causing agents cause abnormal cells to form in the lungs. Cigarette smoking is one of the most common and serious lung risk factors. However, this form of cancer can also develop in non-smokers. If cancer is detected in the early stages, the recovery rate is 80 to 90 percent, which decreases due to its spread to other organs.

When do the symptoms of lung cancer appear?

According to the Mayo Clinic, it can take up to a year for symptoms of lung cancer to appear in some people. Because the symptoms of lung cancer do not appear until this cancer reaches advanced or its last stage. However, these tumors may present in their early stages as a persistent or recurring cough, difficulty breathing, or pain while living.

In which parts does lung cancer spread?

In lung cancer, metastasis often affects the brain, lymph nodes, liver, and adrenal glands. But it can spread almost anywhere in the body, including synovial tissue.
Symptoms of knee cancer
In lung cancer, metastasis often affects the brain, lymph nodes, liver, and adrenal glands. But it can spread almost anywhere in the body, including synovial tissue.
  • pain
  • Swelling
  • trouble standing
  • difficulty straightening the knee

​Chances of patient’s survival after lung cancer spread to the knee

According to researchers from the Archives of Proceedings of Boiler University Medical Center, lung carcinoma most commonly affects the synovial tissue of the knee joint. Synovial tissue is a connective tissue in the protective membranes surrounding the joints of the body. It keeps the joints well lubricated, which is essential for joint function.In such a situation, when lung cancer reaches here, it becomes fatal. After which the average time of 5 months is left with the patient.

How to prevent lung cancer

The most effective way to avoid lung cancer is to avoid inhaling cigarette smoke and polluted air. Along with this, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and regular exercise are essential to keep your lungs safe.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.