Mechinus – mechanical balance puzzle platformer


Mechinus – mechanical balance puzzle platformer

During the last broadcast of the Summer Game Fest, the curious adventure puzzle Mechinus was presented, dedicated to the bizarre steampunk world. The protagonist of the Huey Games project is Cognito – a curious creature resembling a gear and a smiley.


The main duty of the hero is to maintain the life cycle of this wonderful world – he is forced to set off on his way to the very heart of the machine in order to save the mechanical ecosystem. The first video shows almost nothing, but it allows you to evaluate the style and see some creatures besides the main character.

As stated in the Mechinus description, life in this metal jungle is mechanical and not biological in nature. The evolution of these creatures has spawned a beautifully organized set of behaviors that underpin tactile clockwork puzzles and dynamic platforming gameplay.

The developers note that Cognito is designed to be able to expressively and emotionally respond to events unfolding around it. His emotions can also serve as clues for the player and are intended to enhance the sense of immersion in this universe.

Rolling through the aggregates of each unique region, players will meet interesting characters and master new abilities, while setting in motion a variety of mechanisms. Promised is a detailed narrative that revolves around the relationship and symbiosis between lifeforms, the environment, and the flow of resources that feed them.

So far, only the PC version has been announced – there is already a page on Steam that promises a “soon” launch. The Russian language is not among the supported ones.

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