MS-21 and SSJ New aircraft will be built near Voronezh


The local enterprise VASO has historically been a supplier of engine nacelles for engines of civil and transport aircraft in Russia

According to UAC, PJSC Il and the Government of the Voronezh Region have signed an agreement of intent, under which a new building of the Center of Specialization for the production of engine nacelles for the PD-14 and PD-8 engines of the MS-21 and SSJ New aircraft will be built.

MS-21 and SSJ New aircraft
MS-21 and SSJ New aircraft

MS-21 and SSJ New aircraft will be built near Voronezh

The government of the Voronezh region will undertake the construction of a new plant building, and UAC will purchase the necessary equipment, provide preparation and organization of production, and train the required number of new specialists. As a result, more than 500 new jobs will be created. The new enterprise will start operating in 2026.

The local enterprise VASO (Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Building Company) has historically been a supplier of engine nacelles for engines of civil and transport aircraft in Russia. The engine nacelle is one of the most important devices of an airliner. It serves to house the engine inside, create an aerodynamic shape and protect engine systems from airflow. One engine nacelle consists of more than 600 parts.

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