MTS has reached an agreement with Telegram


For now, for MTS subscribers, but shortly numbers of other Russian operators will be added

Russian operator MTS announced a new opportunity for a branded advertising service. In MTS Ads, it is possible to launch advertising in Telegram Ads based on external data – with settings based on phone numbers of Russian operators.


MTS has reached an agreement with Telegram

Advertising can be configured in the interface of the MTS Marketer service, targeting by geography and interests based on MTS data, as well as by segments and groups of the messenger. In the fall, they will add the ability to run advertising within their database, as well as advertising using the CPM model with payment for 1000 impressions.

At the same time, clients can promote messages, groups, and bots with links inside Telegram, as well as messages with links to external sources in Telegram Ads.

MTS Director of Advertising Technologies Elena Melnikova said:

We are pleased to combine the technologies and scale of MTS and Telegram. Now Russian businesses and advertising agencies will be able to launch advertising in Telegram based on external data – MTS Big Data segments, their own CRM systems based on phone numbers. We are pleased to offer MTS clients this opportunity.

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