This is not LG Display
At the end of March, Japan Display (JDI) announced that it had concluded a deal to attract investment from an unnamed “customer.” According to unofficial data, Apple is in this capacity. According to a JDI report, funds in the amount of $ 200 million will be provided in the form of a purchase of part of the equipment at the Japan Display main factory for the production of screens for smartphones located in central Japan.

Named the exclusive supplier of the first batch of displays for smartphones Apple iPhone SE
Judging by this post, JDI is trying to get out of the crisis, and Apple is trying to help the Japanese manufacturer. The source recalls that in 2019, 61% of JDI sales came from Apple. According to new information, Apple made JDI the only supplier of the first batch of LCD panels for iPhone SE smartphones.
About this, the other day wrote the South Korean technology site The Elec. According to him, “the Japanese company JDI outperformed competitors such as the LG Display, becoming the only supplier of the first batch of LCD panels for the latest version of Apple iPhone SE smartphones.” According to the publication, later a second provider will be added to JDI. In this capacity will make Sharp. LG Display also tried to get these orders but to no avail.
Smartphone iPhone SE is in high demand, which should positively affect the financial performance of JDI.