NASA has discovered a potentially habitable planet 100 light-years from Earth


There may be liquid water

NASA space agency has found another planet the size of Earth. It is 100 light years away and orbits a red dwarf called TOI 700. The planet was discovered using data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), it is called TOI 700 d.

 TOI 700 d
TOI 700 d

This satellite has been in space since 2018 and has found 285 confirmed exoplanets and more than 6,000 candidates. As for TOI 700 d, this planet TOI 700 d is about 20% larger than the Earth, the period of revolution around the star is 37 Earth days. It is located in the “habitable zone” (also known as the Goldilocks zone). This means that the planet is neither too cold nor too hot for liquid water to exist. Of course, there is no talk of highly developed organic life.

There is also a planet TOI 700 e in the system, which is about 95% the size of the Earth, and its year lasts 28 Earth days. It is assumed that this planet is turned to the sun on one side. In addition, the planet TOI 700 c is mentioned, but the sources do not provide data on it.

Astronomers plan to collect more data, for this they intend to connect other instruments for research.

It was previously reported that the James Webb Space Telescope has discovered its first exoplanet.

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