Ingenuity and Perseverance have been exploring Lake Jezero since February 18, 2021
The American Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA announced that the Ingenuity helicopter successfully completed its 54th flight to Mars. This happened on August 3, 2023.

The helicopter made a fairly simple “jump”, rising to 4.87 m and descending almost immediately, which took only 24 seconds. Nearby was the Perseverance rover, which filmed the entire flight of Ingenuity. Ingenuity himself responded by photographing Perseverance.

NASA Ingenuity helicopter and Perseverance rover filmed each other during a short “jump” on Mars
The flight was so short for one simple reason – the mission team wanted to make sure that everything was in order with the helicopter after the 53rd flight ended prematurely. The test “jump” went according to plan, and the curators of Ingenuity are confident that he will be able to fly on Mars for some time.

Recall that the Ingenuity helicopter (“Ingenuity”) was delivered to Mars attached to the bottom of the Perseverance (“Perseverance”) rover, which landed in the Lake Lake crater on February 18, 2021. The main tasks of Ingenuity are to demonstrate technology, conduct the first flights to Mars and conduct reconnaissance for Perseverance.