NASA’s InSight lander measures the core of Mars, the results are surprising


Mars became the first terrestrial planet after Earth, the core of which was measured

NASA’s InSight lander managed to collect enough data to measure the size of Mars’ core. And the results were able to surprise the scientists. 


NASA’s InSight lander measures the core of Mars, the results are surprising

Note that Mars became the first terrestrial planet after Earth, the core of which was measured. 

The InSight lander with a seismometer has been on the surface of Mars since 2018 and has since recorded more than 500 earthquakes on the surface of the Red Planet. It is noted that most of them were relatively weak. The measurements obtained suggest that the radius of the Mars core is from 1810 to 1860 km, about half that of the Earth. 

However, this is more than previously thought by scientists. This means that the core is less dense than predicted. The core is thought to be richer in light elements such as oxygen, in addition to iron and sulfur.

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