New Google Stadia exclusive announced – PixelJunk Raiders sci-fi roguelike


New Google Stadia exclusive announced – PixelJunk Raiders sci-fi roguelike

The independent Japanese studio Q-Games has announced PixelJunk Raiders, a procedural-generated roguelike inspired by 1970s sci-fi comics, on the official Google Stadia website.

Pixeljunk raiders

As it became known, PixelJunk Raiders will go on sale on March 1 this year for Google Stadia but will be free for Stadia Pro subscribers. The project is declared as an exclusive service.

PixelJunk Raiders take place on the planet Tantalus, attacked by treacherous aliens. The aliens kidnapped civilians and decided to extract life force from them.

Users in the role of the protector of Tantalus will have to “chop, beat, attack,” as well as save their fellow tribesmen, along the way trying to get to the bottom of the truth about the mysterious Guardians.

PixelJunk Raiders’ key feature is the unique asynchronous multiplayer made possible thanks to Stadia’s exclusive State Share feature.

Within State Share, users will be able to share with others the state of their world: the location of installed turrets, traps, gadgets. The developers will announce the details of the mechanics before the end of this week.

Among other things, PixelJunk Raiders promise “hundreds of unique missions” “a changing world as you explore,” a variety of enemies, and a character customization system.