Not only text is important, but also intonation: VTB Online is testing a voice feedback service


A voice message will take 3 times less time compared to a written request or a call to the contact center

The VTB Bank team announced the launch of a new format for collecting customer feedback on the bank’s digital services. Now you can leave a review about the VTB Online application not only by text, but also by voice.

VTB Online
VTB Online

To leave a review, you must follow the link and use the feedback form. As planned by the developers, the new service, which includes the format of voice messages, will make it possible to more effectively collect feedback, analyze user reviews and suggestions, and improve the quality of the bank’s digital products.

Not only text is important, but also intonation: VTB Online is testing a voice feedback service

After recording, the audio feedback is converted into a text message and sent to the relevant department for processing. Artificial intelligence algorithms will help analyze not only the content of the message, but also the intonation of the client’s speech. The feedback text message format is still available for all customer categories.

Head of Digital Business Department, VTB Senior Vice President Nikita Chugunov noted:

The new voice feedback service will allow you to listen to the wishes of customers and take into account constructive criticism. We value the opinion of each client about our work, but not everyone is ready to give feedback for various reasons. For example, typing a text message requires a certain skill, which is especially true for the older generation and those whose abilities may be limited. Leaving a voice message for most people will not be difficult and will take 3 times less time compared to a written request or a call to the contact center. We are currently testing a new format for feedback regarding our digital services.