ntel has entered into an agreement with Asus regarding NUC computers


Asus will continue to release existing models and develop new ones

Intel recently announced that it will no longer make NUC mini PCs and is shutting down its off-the-shelf PC division altogether. At the same time, the company hopes that its partners will continue its undertakings. And now, Intel has announced an agreement with Asus, under which the latter will manufacture, sell and support the NUC line from the 10th to the 13th generation, as well as deal with new generations of such mini-PCs. 


ntel has entered into an agreement with Asus regarding NUC computers

Simply put, Intel, as it were, transfers the NUC brand to Asus. 

Our NUC system design team has introduced unique products that have driven innovation in the ultra-small form factor market. As we pivot our strategy to enable ecosystem partners to continue to innovate and grow NUC system products, our priority is to ensure a smooth transition for our customers and partners. I look forward to Asus continuing to deliver exceptional products and support our NUC system customers.

Under the proposed agreement, Asus will receive a non-exclusive design license for the Intel NUC system product line, allowing it to manufacture and market 10th to 13th generation NUC system products and develop future designs. For these purposes, Asus will create a new business unit called Asus NUC BU. 

Of course, Asus has released both PCs and mini-PCs before, and quite actively, but in this case we are talking about products under the NUC brand. Including, perhaps, about specific solutions that were created specifically for the NUC. For example Compute Elements.