NYC schools ban ChatGPT


Department of Education fears repercussions

The New York City Department of Education has banned the use of the ChatGPT chatbot, which has recently made a splash in educational institutions.


Due to concerns about the negative impact on student learning, as well as concerns about the security and accuracy of content, access to ChatGPT is restricted across New York City public school networks and devices. While the tool can provide quick and simple answers to questions, it does not develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential for academic and lifelong success. 

The ban will apply to devices and networks owned by the Department of Education. At the same time, individual schools can request access to ChatGPT, but not for the purpose of using it in the usual format, but for studying AI technologies. 

It is curious that the chatbot itself already has an opinion on the ban. 

It is important to consider the potential risks and benefits of using ChatGPT in education and weigh the evidence carefully before making a decision. It is also important to listen to the opinions and concerns of all stakeholders, including educators, students and parents, in order to make informed and fair decisions. 

The fears of teachers and all those involved in the field of education are far from groundless. There are already at least a few examples when the works of ChatGPT were offered for review to teachers, and they could not find any problems in the texts.