One-Button Adventure Say No! More got a release date of April 9


One-Button Adventure Say No! More got a release date of April 9

Thunderful Publishing Publisher, on its official website, announced a specific release date for the one-touch adventure Say No! More by Fizbin Studio (Minute of Islands).

Say no more
Say no more

Recall that the original release of Say No! More was scheduled for summer 2020, but in November, Thunderful Publishing and Studio Fizbin announced a decision to postpone the game’s premiere to 2021.

As it became known, there is not long to wait: Say No! More will go on sale on April 9 this year for PC (Steam), Nintendo Switch, and devices based on the iOS operating system.

Possibilities to pre-order Say No! More, the publisher and developers did not provide but announced the cost of their brainchild – $ 15 for Steam and Nintendo eShop, as well as $ 6 for the App Store. Ruble counterparts are not specified.

The creators call Say No! More was the first representative of the NPG genre (NO! -Playing Game). In the role of a company trainee, players will have to say a resounding “No” to their bosses and colleagues.

“I no longer need to tell people ‘No’ when they ask if I can give a release date for our game. In just a few weeks, anyone will be able to let off steam in this calming and safe way, ”says Say No! More Marius Winter.

The Say No! More promises simple controls and a “hilarious adventure,” as well as the ability to say “No” in several languages ​​(including Russian) and with different emotional connotations.

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