Pavel Durov commented on information about the Telegram vulnerability


He believes that misleading headlines will stop people from taking real threats seriously.

Pavel Durov commented on the information that Telegram allegedly confirmed a vulnerability in an application for computers from Apple, stating that this is not the case.

On the contrary, in our post we explained that there was no vulnerability. Because the stated “vulnerability” was as follows: “If an attacker already had access to your computer, he could control your camera and microphone via Telegram.” But if the computer is already compromised, then accessing the microphone via Telegram is the least of the problems to worry about.

Pavel Durov


The creator of the popular messenger regretfully admitted that the media often chase high-profile headlines and mislead users.

Pavel Durov commented on information about the Telegram vulnerability

This is sad: as a result, people may not attach importance to real threats. For example, in WhatsApp, simply accepting a call or watching a video was enough for an attacker to gain full access to your phone. Because of this vulnerability, WhatsApp became a spyware that allowed hackers to hijack any smartphone with WhatsApp. If the media headlines about imaginary and real threats are the same, people will stop taking them seriously – it will turn out like in the fable about the boy who unnecessarily shouted “Wolf”.

Pavel Durov

Earlier, Google engineer Dan Reva announced the discovery of a vulnerability in Telegram for macOS that allows attackers to use the laptop’s camera and microphone.