PC Users Love Hideo Kojima: Death Stranding Top Selling On Steam Last Week


PC Users Love Hideo Kojima: Death Stranding Top Selling On Steam Last Week

Valve has published a traditional Steam sales report for the week. From July 12 to 18, Death Stranding dominated the site, losing the PlayStation 4 exclusive status. The creation of Hideo Kojima and his team, Kojima Productions, immediately took the first and third positions – standard edition and pre-orders, respectively.


The second place is taken by the virtual reality headset Valve Index, which was in the lead in the previous report. The fourth line went to Far Cry 5, which received a large discount on Steam. But Sea of ​​Thieves, which held the first positions in the previous ratings, “floated” to the middle of the list. Unusual appearances in the report include Neon Abyss and No Man’s Sky. The popularity of the latter also jumped due to the discount.

The full Steam sales rating for the past week is presented below. The report, as usual, is formed by the total income from the sale of the product, and not by the number of copies sold:

  1. Death Stranding
  2. Valve Index
  3. Death Stranding (pre-orders);
  4. Far Cry 5;
  5. Sea of ​​Thieves;
  6. Of Halo: to Master Master Chief of The Collection ;
  7. Satisfactory;
  8. F1 2020 ;
  9. No Man’s Sky;
  10. Neon Abyss.
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