Realme intrigues with a 100-inch “telemyuvizor”


Big TV for big cat lovers

Realme has published a teaser for a promising TV on social networks. More precisely, “telemeuwisor” or “meowTV”. Apparently, “Meow” is a new line of Realme devices, as a teaser of the new VR headset was previously published. Also “Meow”.


Realme intrigues with a 100-inch “telemyuvizor”

Nothing has been reported about the new TV yet, except for the diagonal – it will be 100 inches. The novelty, of course, will be more expensive than the current models with a smaller diagonal, but at the same time, it will be cheaper than competitors of famous brands like Sony and Panasonic. It is expected that the official premiere of the device will take place in early April. India will be the first market for the telemeuvisor.

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