Red Wings will receive two Tu-204/214 only by the end of summer


Although the carrier was supposed to receive these aircraft in April

Russian airlines are really looking forward to the domestic MC-21 and SSJ New liners, but so far there has been a plan to supply carriers with repaired Soviet aircraft: last year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade allocated almost 15.5 billion rubles for the restoration of eight Tu-204/214s, two Il-96s and one An-124, available from the IFC company (Ilyushin Finance Co). “ The funds have been brought to the recipient, work is underway to restore the aircraft ,” the ministry told Kommersant at the time. But, as Kommersant writes now , the delivery of the 15-year-old Tu-204 and the 14-year-old Tu-214 to Red Wings is delayed.

Red Wings
Red Wings

Red Wings, by agreement with the owner, that is, IFC, was supposed to receive the aircraft on lease in the spring – in April, but will receive them only by July 31. “ There is no information about the next transfers yet, but the participation of the aircraft at the MAKS air show in the livery of the UAC in July, as planned, is in question ,” said one of the sources of Kommersant.

Red Wings will receive two Tu-204/214 only by the end of summer

So what is the reason for the disruption in the supply of airliners? It turns out that in the protracted terms of choosing a contractor to restore the interior. According to Kommersant, as of April, the contractor had not been selected, while a source in the industry said that the period of restoration work was from two to four months. That is, it is not a fact that by the end of July the planes will be ready. However, the IFC denies the difficulties with the restoration of aircraft and says that the planned deadline for acceptance of work is scheduled for the end of June, and preparations for the restoration of airworthiness “are also on schedule.”

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Red Wings said it ” scheduled to put these aircraft into service at the end of the summer season “. The core of the airline’s fleet is 19 SSJ-100s. According to Kommersant, Red Wings planned to use both Tus on flights to Turkey. These aircraft are capable of carrying about 200 people.

Recall, earlier it was reported that  the Tu-214 with Russian equipment will be released by the end of 2023 , and in November of this year, such a brand new aircraft should appear at the Ministry of Industry and Trade.