Rostec will supply 30,000 composite panels for MS-21 and SJ-100 aircraft.


Panels are divided into two types

Rostec announced today that two enterprises that are part of the perimeter of the state corporation, namely ONPP Tekhnologiya named after Romashin and the Rybinsk enterprise of the United Engine Corporation, will supply UEC-Saturn with more than 30 thousand panels from composite domestic materials. They will be used in the PD-8 aircraft engine of the SJ-100 passenger aircraft and the PD-14 aircraft engine of the MS-21 aircraft.

Rostec will supply 30,000 composite panels for MS-21 and SJ-100 aircraft.

MS-21 and SJ-100 aircraft
MS-21 and SJ-100 aircraft

MS-21 and SJ-100 aircraftMS-21 and SJ-100 aircraft

“ Multilayer honeycomb sound-absorbing panels are designed to reduce noise in an aircraft engine, and run – in panels to ensure its efficient operation ,” Rostec said.