Senegal prepares to launch its first satellite


Senegal is preparing to launch its first satellite, to be used for tasks such as monitoring natural disasters and developing agriculture.

To better address challenges such as disaster monitoring and increasing agricultural productivity, Senegal plans to harness the potential of satellite technology and artificial intelligence.


Back in 2019, the country developed a two-year plan to create and launch its satellite, but the launch was postponed to 2023 as the creation of the satellite was delayed due to the pandemic.

Senegal prepares to launch its first satellite

At the official ceremony, Gayan Faye, coordinator of the Senegalese space project SENSAT, said: “After three years of hard work in collaboration with CSUM, our GAINDESAT is ready for launch.”

SENSAT and CSUM are collaborating with the digital platform Ride Space to integrate the GAINDESAT satellite into Momentus’ Vigoride spacecraft. The satellite will play an important role in collecting valuable data for Senegal, including information for fire and flood mitigation, soil erosion control, and agricultural development.

Following the launch of GAINDESAT, Senegal will work on larger satellites and also plans to create a local ecosystem of scientific research and industrial innovation in the space sector in partnership with universities and local companies.