Serious vulnerability in Google Chrome

  • A serious security vulnerability has been identified in Google Chrome that can be removed with a new update.
  • In order to protect themselves from possible attacks, those affected should quickly update their browser to the new version 91.0.4472.114.
  • You can do this with Windows, Mac and Linux, directly with just a few clicks in the browser itself.

Google Chrome’s latest update fixes a serious security vulnerability in the browser. Chrome users on Windows, Mac and Linux should update to 91.0.4472.114 as soon as possible. Google warns that the vulnerability is known and could therefore possibly be used for attacks on Chrome. With billions of Chrome installations worldwide, there would be many potential targets.

Google Chrome update possible with just a few clicks in the browser

If you are not sure whether Chrome will automatically keep itself up to date, you can start the update manually for security reasons. This is possible under Windows, Mac and Linux by clicking on the three-dot menu in the top right corner of the picture. There you will also find a reference to the version number of the installation under “Help / About Chrome”.

If you get a computer from your employer, you can also see in the help menu under “About Chrome” whether Chrome is possibly maintained by the company’s IT department. If there is a version number lower than 91.0.4472.114, it might be worth pointing out the problem.

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